Our Services

We offer a wide range of services, relevant to actuarial science, risk management, consumer protection, investments and other. For more information you may contact one of our consultant.


Our mission is to provide specialized high quality services of added value, in the Actuarial and Risk management area. Taking our clients’ maximum satisfaction in context, we directly respond to their current needs providing consulting services both during all our contractual stages and after completion.


Prudential is the oldest (since 1984) and biggest independent Greek company in the area of Actuarial services and Risk management, specializing in private, social, occupational insurance and employee benefits.

Client Categories

Prudential provides consulting services, as indicatively mentioned below:

  • Eurostat - official Actuarial Consultant of the EU
  • Insurance companies
  • IORPs (Occupational Pension Schemes)
  • Social Security Funds
  • Private Companies for IFRS/IAS 19, US GAAP / FAS 87/88/132/158

Financial Data

Our Company's financial data can be accessed here.

Contact Us

Please send us your message and we will contact you as soon as possible

Contact Information

  • Address: 148, Momferatou Street
  • Phone: +30 216 700 4850
  • Fax: +30 210 644 6733
  • Email: info@prudential-group.gr
  • Website: www.prudential-group.gr